Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Curiousity of Benjammin Button...

I saw, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" at the theater this past Saturday and I have to say it was one of the most phenomenal films I've seen in a long time! I've been searching my heart for a reason or reason's why this film resonated with me in such a deep way! I have been in New Orleans and have a deep love for this city, especially in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina several years ago. But, I think it has more to do with story being told and the way I find myself and others I know in the characters in the movie.

F. Scott Fitzgerald authored a short 9,000 word story upon which this story based. The original story began in Baltimore, but ended up being filmed and centered in New Orleans. Apparently Brad Pitt had the idea to film there to help bring exposure to the city and its efforts to revitalize itself. New Orleans has a unique energy to it that Pitt describes as magical, and I find myself agreeing. But I think that with in the character of Benjamin I see the process of aging and the emotional, spiritual process associated with aging being put into total reverse. I know this movie has probably been critiqued and analyzed in a more professional manner than I can, but I want to focus on the spiritual aspect of it.

If I were born old and had to face life in full reverse I imagine that like Benjamin I would interpreting and experiencing the stigma associated with aging process in reverse as well. I wonder if I would question my mortality the way you do when you age? I imagine that being born old gave Benjamin a very sober and mature perspective on life and faith. He was surrounded by people dying who would reminisce and share extremely profound insights on what is truly important in life. With these insights in mind, imagine the kind of life you could live. I think Benjamin did exactly that. I'll write more later!


Chaplain Jeremy

1 comment:

ben said...

Your review of this movie makes me want to see it all the more now!